Support For Large Projects
You only need to browse the case study section of our website to see the vast range of projects and large-scale developments that ECLISSE products have been used in from prestigious apartments and luxury executive housing to retirement apartments and care homes, as well as large housing developments.
Dedicated Team of Project Consultants
We have a dedicated team of project consultants highly experienced in pricing large projects and submitting tenders. If you have a large project or requirement for an ongoing volume order of product please contact our projects team on 0333 5770828, send an email to enquiries@eclisse.co.uk. Or fill in the contact form below
State of the art manufacturing facility
Our products are manufactured in a state-of-the-art factory near Treviso, Italy where an average of 11,000 profiles and 1,500 frames are produced every day. Read this blog for an appreciation of the sheer scale of the facility.
After-Sales Care
We take after-sales care seriously and can offer clients site visits for installation training. We also have a wealth of literature to help with assembly and installation in our technical resource section We also stock a comprehensive range of spares, many of which we can deliver to site on a next working day basis.