ECLISSE In Numbers

ECLISSE In Numbers

The ECLISSE name is synonymous with state-of-the-art manufacturing, constant innovation, a passion for quality and attention to detail. To illustrate this, we have compiled for you the ECLISSE story in numbers.

State of the art manufacturing: New factory stretching 34 thousand square meters with 800+ plant and machinery


The manufacturing heart of ECLISSE is situated in Treviso, Italy and supplies an incredible network of subsidiaries and distributors across the world.

The main manufacturing facility is located in Via Giovanni Pascoli. This impressive facility was opened October 2019 to support the growth of the company and its subsidiaries.

Impressive production capability: An average of 11,000 profiles and 1,500 frames are produced every day

The production of a standard pocket door frame requires on average 90 seconds of processing along a 50-meter production line. An average of 11,000 profiles and 1,500 frames are produced every day, thanks to the work of 90 specialised employees.

Constant innovation: Over 40 patents

ECLISSE are passionate about design and innovation and are constantly looking for ways to meet customer’s needs by developing the product range and introducing new innovative door systems. Staff are dedicated to delivering the best possible products at the best possible price, and it is this desire to provide customers with high quality, easy to install products that drives the focus on attention to detail and new product development.

A passion for quality: 15-year guarantee

Whilst pocket door systems are not included in the CE marking system, ECLISSE conduct independent tests to demonstrate the robustness, reliability and safety of the products.

  • The ECLISSE pocket door frame is strong and has been subjected to and successfully passed an independent dynamic impact test to European Standard UNI EN 1629.
  • The ECLISSE runners have been subjected to durability test UNI EN 1526. After 100,000 opening and closing cycles the doors still operated perfectly.
  • The ECLISSE fire-rated pocket door system has been fully tested and approved for use with 44 mm FD30 Fire Rated Doors by Cambridge Fire Research, a UKAS approved testing authority, Test Certificate Number 148395.

All of this means peace of mind for the installer and the end customer.

The ECLISSE family: 300+ employees

The ECLISSE company was founded by Luigi De Faveri in Jan 1989, and was borne out of a long-term passion for metal working and innovation dating back to the 1960’s. ECLISSE remains a family run business and even though the number of employees now total over 300+, the commitment and dedication of each member of staff is evident.

A Global Concern: 10 Subsidiaries and 50+ countries now sell ECLISSE products worldwide

The expansion of ECLISSE began in 1994 with the opening of the first subsidiary, ECLISSE France in Quimper. ECLISSE Poland was the next to open in 1996 and followed by Austria, Czech Republic, Spain, Slovakia, Brazil, Germany and Hungary. ECLISSE UK Ltd were the 10th subsidiary to be created, supplying the UK and EIRE.

To finish on yet another number, ECLISSE celebrated 30 years of success in 1989 and at ECLISSE UK Ltd we are delighted to be a part of that success story.

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