ECLISSE Tips of the Trade : Soft Close or BIAS DS?
ECLISSE are here to offer a helping hand with installing all our products starting from how to assemble our incredible frames down to the innovative accessories in our collection. Here we have a step by step guide to help you along the way on how to fit our BIAS-DS Bi-directional Soft Close with Anti-Slam to a Classic Single Pocket Door System.
This accessory is better than a soft-close, the BIAS-DS has anti-slam technology. Fitting a soft close to a pocket door has the advantage of bringing the door to a close gently and quietly when you slide it closed, but it can still be slammed into the door post if a greater force is used.
Fitting a BIAS-DS Bi-directional Soft Close with Anti-Slam has the greater advantage of bringing the door to a controlled close gently and quietly even when more force is used and the door is slammed shut or slammed open.
Firstly fit the pocket entrance vertical jambs as per frame instructions and draw a line across the track at the pocket entrance....
Remove small screws from track and remove track as shown below by sliding it out of the holder....
Measure your 'P' measurement from the leading edge of the door to the centre of the bracket...
Remove rollers, screws and bolts from carrier kit (white box)....
Insert screws and bolts as shown below making sure that the nibs are pointed downwards when in track...
Open BIAS accessory and insert roller in to one end and screw in to place using the connection screw...
Push the claws to the open position on the BIAS DS accessory towards the end of the track...
Remove rear door stop...
Insert single roller in to the track at point Z..
Insert activation bracket D in to the upper slot of the track...
NOTE: Make sure its inserted at the correct orientation.
Insert BIAS-DS device with connected roller followed by activation bracket C in to the upper slot of track...
Set activation bracket D into place using the formula below. TOP TIP : Ensure all 3 grub screws are tight to prevent movement...
W = Amount you wish the door to protrude when fully open
L = Passage width
Insert ECLISSE track back in to track holder as shown below and re-insert screws...
Fit timber door post as per frame instructions...
Set activation bracket C into place using the below formula - pre-drill the holes and follow up with the screws (E)...
Don't forget to clean the track before use to remove debris!...
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